Monday, April 28, 2014

About Me Monday

In a wild effort to be better at this blogging thing I've decided to try to theme my posts. Mondays will be about me. My likes, dislikes, joys, triumphs, and personal adventures. Tuesdays will be Grati-tuesdays! Do you get it? It's like gratitude, except with Tuesday! I'm pretty freaking excited. I'm still debating about what to do for some of the other days, so you'll have to check back everyday to see what surprise post is in store!

As for today,

My name is Camille, but my friends call me Cami. Or Cam, or Cam Cam or Cam Bam or Carmen or... well, let's just say I've acquired a few (mostly random) nicknames over the course of my short life. My first day of the nursing program we were supposed to stand and say something memorable about ourselves and a way to remember our names. I said, "My name is Camille or Cami, it depends on the day!" I wasn't lying. I was just scratching the surface.

I love to be silly, but more than anything else I love to laugh. Always. At everything. My humor is somewhere between a 12 year old boy and a 4 year old human. I'm like, "Oo look, he burped! hahahaha!" and everyone is standing there like, "Get this girl some help." It's really not even funny how funny I think everything is and I can't not laugh! That's my Cami. Fun, bright, happy.

I'm also this crazy deep thinker. My mind is always running at 40 million miles an hour! I think that's the "Camille" side of me. A Camille sounds like someone that's refined and well versed doesn't she?
Let me give you a little "for example" here.

I devour books! When I was a little girl my mom used to ground me from reading. Other kids got their gameboys and Tamigatchis taken away, but not me. My mom would take away my books! I used to hide in the bathroom to read because it was the only door in the house with a lock on it. I think all of those words churned my soul to wonder! I wanted to know about life: cats and dogs, and trees, and why leaves were green and petals were pink and would you get wetter running or walking in the rain? Today I wonder about the enigmas of the world. Questions like "what is passion" and "how do you achieve contentment" fill my mind. I have sticky notes and notebook pages full of questions I don't know that I'll ever have the answers to. I just wonder.

I'm not really sure how to end this post. Do I say something witty that will make you pine (said in an obnoxious British accent*) for more? Do I end on a serious note about how everyone is different and amazing just the way they are? Maybe I should say something about how we are all kaleidoscopes of emotion and thought and personality.
I guess I'm just going to say goodnight and leave you with one of my favorite Dr. Suess quotes because, heck, who doesn't love a little Dr. S, ammi right?

Goodnight all of you beautiful people! May tomorrow be full of rainbows and butterflies, or at least a Butterfinger.

Love, Cami

*Not because British people or their accents are obnoxious, but because that's just how I imagine it being said in my mind. That is all.

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