Monday, April 8, 2013


I've been debating with myself about how to start this blog for days but I've decided I just have to do something. So, here I go. Welcome to our blog. By "our" I really mean me because heaven knows my hubby is going to do little more with this blog than complain that I spend too much time on it. Actually, that's a lie. My little husband is completely supportive (and adorable) and as long as I let him watch Sportscenter he'll let me blog/pinterest as much as I want. Good deal, right?
Now that I've already started rambling let me jump right into the important stuff:

  • Matt and I have been married for just over 3 weeks
  • We live in this little apartment in Las Vegas where I spend my days looking for jobs (nurse) and he goes between work and school 
  • We're freaks. No seriously, we are two of the strangest people to ever fall in love. I think he used to be mostly normal but I've turned him to the weird side and I'm not sure he'll ever go back. (It's way more fun over here anyway!)
  • He has Crohn's disease. I'm sure you'll here all about it so I thought I'd throw that out there to preface future posts. 
  • My name's Cami Lish, and I'm a Mormon

Well, I guess that's it for now! Have a truly MARVELOUS day!


  1. I am so excited to stalk this blog! I love you!

  2. I don't know why but that almost brought a tear to my eye. ya

  3. I love this blog. You guys are cute :) That's all!

  4. i don't even remember how i found your blog but i'm lovin it! you two are cute!
