Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bedtime Giggles

I should absolutely be in bed and my body knows it, but for some reason I can't sleep. Not like my-mind-won't-shut-off can't sleep, but more like I'm-so-tired-I-can't-stop-laughing-my-brains-out. My poor husband. I banished myself to the living room because I seriously could not stop giggling and so of course I had to share everything I thought was funny with him. Fire alarms was the topic of the night and he did NOT think it was as funny as me. Now that I think about it, there's really nothing funny about fire alarms. Oh well, that's married life!
Speaking of married life, this weekend we had our open house in Las Vegas. My amazing mother in law put it all together and pulled off the perfect Carnival! There was cotton candy and popcorn and ice cream and all sorts of fun candies, which meant I was in absolute heaven! It really ended up being such a dream and my parents got to be there which made it even more perfect. If only Pleasant Grove were a few hours closer...
Pretend we're not pasty white. Aren't you supposed to get tan in sunny Las Vegas? 

Anyway, here's a cute picture from the night! I wish you could see my dress. My mom spent hours and hours making it before the wedding and it's probably the most beautiful vintage-y lovely lacy dress this side of Kentucky. I don't know what's on the other side of Kentucky, but I mean, New York's over there so they have to have something amazing, right? Rambling... sorry.... I warned you I was beyond tired... and now I'm giggling again.

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