Laying on a king size bed in the GORGEOUS Sandy Eggo as I watch my precious hubby sleep I can't help but be grateful for my life. Is it perfect? No. My feet are currently turning into icicles and I ate too much so my stomach hurts. But hey, we have air conditioning that we don't have to pay for and I GOURDED myself on incredible pasta tonight. I'm married to this hilarious, crazy, but way too cool for me guy with perfect hair and the facial hair of a thirty five year old man. I start a new job that I prayed insanely hard for next Tuesday and Matt's health is improving. To top it all off, we went to the zoo today and he let me sit and watch the leopards play for over twenty minutes! He's going to have a huge mansion in heaven with a firepole and trampoline room for that. Life is good. Life is crazy. Life is delishes!
What delishesness is happening in your life?
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