Tuesday, May 7, 2013

day one- greetings

I got this from this lady and I've really been trying to convince myself not to do it, but quite frankly my husband is snoring in the other room and we don't have tv.

I was born July 31, 1992 in the heart of happy valley, ut. I consider my childhood a happy one filled with Barbies, imagination and bad haircuts. December 27, 2005 my BFF was in a car accident that left both of us with permanent scars. I wouldn't go back to junior high if someone drug me along by my ears threatening to kill all the cats in the world. By the time I was 16 I had given up on love and discovered running. I went to college, graduated with my RN degree, met the sexiest man alive, married him, moved to Las Vegas, and just got a job.

That's life.

1 comment:

  1. lady we are the same age AND both nurses! okay, i'm lying i'm not a nurse but i will be in 3 more semesters. i'm jealous you're done with school and working. oh, and i'm married to the other sexiest man alive. haha nice to meet ya!
