Monday, July 21, 2014

About Dogs

I've wanted to post this for a long time, but haven't due to sheer fear and the inevitable backlash.
I'm not a dog person.
That's a lie.
I love all animals. I love penguins, and giraffes, and bunnies and bears and deer and fox especially. But, what I really love is cats.
I have my reasons and they would all sound insignificant and almost insane to write about on a blog.
I even love dogs, but mostly just the big ones that you can play catch with in the park and knock you over when you're little because they love you so darn much they must lick your face every time they see you. I like those kinds of dogs.
So, when a little yappy thing nearly took a chunk out of my leg last month I really wasn't surprised.
It must have known I was a cat person.

The end.

Love, Cami

1 comment:

  1. Small dogs are evil! Well said about big dogs who love you too much
