Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cranky pants

Last week was hard. I cried at work. That's right, tears, runny nose, shaky voice- the whole freaking package. at work. in front of my boss. on a Tuesday. Because of some meany head cranky pants guy. It seems so stupid looking back on it even just a week later, but at the same time, I can't stop thinking about it. 

It just makes me sad, ya know. Here we are, all players in the game of life and we can't even treat our fellow humans with respect. Life is hard enough with having people tear you down.

I'm sorry that you had to wait for forty five minutes in the waiting room on our busiest day. I'm sorry the pharmacy didn't have your prescription even though I sent it hours before. I apologize that insurance companies require me to get your weight even though we are seeing you for your ears. I'm doing the best that I can.

We're all doing the. best. that. we. can.

There's a quote everyone knows that goes a little something like this:

be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

Okay, so that was the exact quote. Whatever. The point is I don't think anyone ever has an excuse to be blatantly rude to another human. Listen. We all have trials. We all have insecurities and vulnerabilities and no one deserves to have their spirit broken by an unkind word. No one is better than anyone else. We are all just human. We are all flawed! Be considerate of others feelings for goodness sakes! 

Life is hard and it's unfair and things aren't going to go your way pretty much ever. That's life. But you know what, we're here to help one another. We're hear to love one another. 

Phew. Tangent over. 

Love, Cami

1 comment:

  1. First, I love your blog! And your hair. The short hair looks good. Thanks for your honesty. I know exactly how you feel when it comes to people just being cranky or unkind. Its true that you never know what people may be going through, so I always have to remind myself that and give them the benefit of the doubt. Keep being your bubbly self... and keep posting on your blog. Lots of fun to read :)
