Monday, December 30, 2013

Things that go BUMP in the Night

Las Vegas is full of creepy crawly things that sneak into your apartment and hide in your shoes. Utah is full of spiders. Really, I'm having a hard time deciding which is worse. 

I've recently become introduced to the Twitter world and while most of what I follow revolves around pictures of cats and celebrity gossip I do indulge in the intellectual side of things and follow a couple interesting facts sites (are they considered sites or should I call them people?) Daily, more often hourly, I'm offered random bits of trivia. I love it. I love it except when I read things like, 
"At all times, no matter where you are, there is a spider within three feet of you." 
That's cool. I'm pretty much a huge fan of spiders. 
That's a lie.
I hate spiders. They have more legs than me and way more eyes and I'm just not okay with that. 
Saturday night, Matt and I became Spider Killers.  Together we massacred about a million little arachnids in my teenage bedroom where we've been staying. Let's just say I spent most of the night worrying I was going to be carried away by a spider mob while sleeping. Prayers and crossed fingers for our safety would be appreciated. 

Still alive and breathing for today at least,


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