Now, on to the nitty gritty!
April 17, 2015
10:30 pm- The twenty minutes was up and I had recovered from my mini heart attack and started to breathe again by the time the nurse came back. I was about to have a freaking BABY!!! Okay, not a freaking baby- an adorable, perfect, sweet little angel baby, but a baby nonetheless. The nurse actually had gone to find the doctor because he hadn't expected me to be ready so soon! Emi and I make a really efficient team, obviously. Anyway, before the doc got there we did a few rounds of practice pushing to get my hoo-hah ready for what was to come. When you're a first time mom your lady parts aren't quite sure what their job is yet so it's best to ease them into things. We did about three sets of three pushes and then she grabbed the doctor. It was time for the big dance!
10:40 pm- Cue the entrance of the doctor and his entourage of cheerleaders. By entourage of cheerleaders I mean the nurses from the nursery. Seriously, you guys, I was showered in shouts of encouragement and it was awesome!
"You can do it, Cami!"
"Keep it up!"
"You're doing great!"
I mean, it was like being an Olympic runner! I'll have ten more babies if they promise to do that every time!
10:45 pm to 11:04 pm- Thanks to the magic of television I always imagined delivery to be back to back contractions and pushing, pushing, pushing.... but that couldn't have been more wrong! In fact, pushing Emiline out was the easiest part of the whole dang thing. Part of it had to be my incredible doctor. For anyone looking for an OBGYN in Utah County go to Valley OBGYN in American Fork. They are saints. I would push, and then we would hang out and chat for a minute before the next contraction came. I actually laughed during delivery! More than once in fact, and not because I had reached delusion. It was just so low pressure. I don't know very many people that can say that about squeezing a small human through a 10 centimeter opening!
She'll kill me when she grows up for posting this online, but this is too hilarious not too share! Doesn't she look like a grandpa? It's so adorable!! |
The rest of the night/early morning was spent getting both of us cleaned up and moved downstairs. It's all a blur. I know that my epidural had worn off by the time they wheeled me out of Labor and Delivery but I was so out of it I didn't even notice the pain. Then it was off to bed for me while I waited for Matt to bring Emi in from the nursery. What a difference a bath makes! Her hair was a puff of dark strands and she had more color to her which meant she was at least twice as tan as me. Fair skin problems, ya know?
She is the cutest! and I love this post!