New and NOT fun things-
- Swollen ankles. What the heck? I have gone my entire pregnancy with zero swelling- no sausage fingers, cankles, pregnancy face, NOTHING. Then, this week happened. BAM! My poor little feet feel so sad! I was actually so emotional about it on Tuesday (the first real day I had swelling) that I almost had a meltdown at work. You can thank the pregnancy hormones for that.
- No room for food. I mentioned above that it's great not having to worry about food babies, but the truth is, there is no room for a food baby. I would like to blame my sister for this. I had been in eating mode for weeks until she asked me on Saturday if I had a hard time eating full meals because the baby was squashing my stomach. I proudly told her no. The next day, I couldn't eat barely anything. My pre-pregnancy body thanks you, Amanda.
- Late night pee sessions. I really can't complain. I wake up maybe once a night for a bathroom run ever since I was about 32 weeks. Not too shabby, right? Right. Still, super inconvenient when you're having dreams about hanging out with One Direction (yes, I am twelve years old. You can blame pregnancy hormones for that one, too).
This is a shorter list than I expected to write. To be honest, yeah, there are some other things that aren't so fun to be dealing with, like the awkward position in which I have to sit to tie my shoes or the fact that she likes to play punching bag with my gallbladder, but hey, I'm growing a human! That's kind of amazing.
Fingers crossed my feet go back to normal after I have her!
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