Old News-
- Crap-tastic skin. I have never had such horrible skin in my life. Not even as a pre-pubescent teenager did I have to worry about zits like I do now. My face is splotchy and oily and just yuck. No thank you, pregnancy glow, no thank you.
- Acid reflux. Honestly since about 18 weeks I've had this problem mostly under control. But, occasionally, as a rude reminder that it's still around, I'll have boiling hot lava trying to break through my esophagus and kill me. It's really a neat experience.
- Moving. In general, I don't waddle, but do not make me get off of the couch, roll out of bed, or sit on the floor without taking into consideration that I do not bend anymore. I'm like one of those fat puppies that can't roll over because they're chubby rolls are in the way. It's not quite as adorable as that, however. Matt's been a real good sport about pulling me up and off of things. True love exists.
So, that's it. This is where I'm at and with the exception of some mild panic at the soon arrival of this sweet baby girl, I think I'm doing okay. Some days aren't fun... at all, but that's life. So many people have asked if I'm just ready to be done already, and honestly, being pregnant has been kind of a grand adventure. There have been ups and downs. There have been days that getting out of bed has been a serious challenge. I've wished I could sleep on my stomach. But, most of the time I feel good. I actually forget that I'm pregnant more often than I should until I spill my cereal on my watermelon tummy and remember that I'm growing a human. I would take better skin and a closet full of clothes that fit, but that comes back. I'm only going to be pregnant with this little person this one time. Maybe my next pregnancy I'll throw up the entire time or maybe I'll have flawless skin. I'm just trying to take things one day at a time and be grateful for each second I have of this special bonding with my baby. It's not always easy, but it's absolutely worth it. Here's to hoping she stays in until I have her nursery finished.