Thursday, November 7, 2013

I guess I should explain-

Dear Readers,

I'm still alive! Would you believe it after all this time? I've probably turned into the worst blogger ever and to the four people that read this blog, I apologize. Getting back into blogging has been, well, a challenge. Much like a breaking up with someone, the more time that passes the more I have to say and less that I want to. Time to take the plunge I suppose.
Let me start with a few quick updates:

  •  It's November. Not much of an update, but insanity nevertheless. Let's just pretend it's snowing outside and not 80s degree and I think we'll all feel much better about the fact that Christmas is right around the corner. Fa la la la la. la la. la. la. 
  • WE'RE MOVING!! Provo, here we come. Matt has been accepted to BYU and we are packing our bags and headed North. To say I'm ecstatic would be an understatement.
  • We were foster parents… for kittens that is. It's a tragic story that I'll have to delve into later.
  • Matt's pretty much a sicky. As it turns out, Crohn's Disease is a pretty big deal and we are scheduled for surgery ASAP. It's not like anyone needs their small intestine anyway, right?
  • I'm a real life Registered Nurse working in an OBGYN office. The details are boring, so let's just say I monitor high risk pregnant woman. Thankfully, there aren't any high risk pregnant men… that was my attempt at a joke… Let me know how I did...
  • My hair is long. And I'm growing out my bangs. For anyone who has known me longer than 5 years you know what an accomplishment both of these feats are. 
I know this really wasn't much of an update on the doings of my life, but the humdrum of daily life isn't much to talk about. I promise to try to post pictures next time around. I should admit that I'm a highly unambitious photographer with a iPhone 3, so the quality is less than impressive. 

Until next time, 

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