Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Heart Day

I've been MIA. Sorry! But, I'm back for right this second so let's make the most of it, eh?

I love holidays! I love 'em! I love Labor Day and Flag Day and Arbor Day, so I really really love real holidays that are actually celebrated by the general public. For weeks I plan out each detail so that I an fully partake of the full holiday glory. It's kind of ridiculous, but hey, when have I ever made sense? So, with Valentines Day just around the corner I headed to pinterest (obvs) to get some ideas to make our FIRST V-Day together something my great great grandchildren would talk about! HA!! Totally joking, I'm not that manic....
Anyway, I found this website called that has some AWESOME ideas for you and your significant other. Seriously, you guys, you have to check it out! After browsing for a couple of hours (or maybe more than a couple) I came up with what I thought was a fool-proof plan.

First, I was going to do this:
Cute Valentine's Day candygram [candygram.jpg]
And then, while he was at basketball, I was going to do this:

Living With Thanksgiving: Romantic Valentine Dinner for 2 close and intimate

and this
Easy Caprese Garlic Bread Recipe on looks scrumptious!

and wear something like this:

and we were going to end with... uh.. nevermind....

But, things never go as planned. Never. I don't even know why I expect them to anymore. BUT, have no fears, because they did go a little bit like this: 

I guess we can call this Valentine's Day a success! 

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